




























1. Sources:

1.1 Archival Materials (published or unpublished):

AdP [›Archives de Picasso‹, page number]
[Musée Picasso/Réunion des Musées Nationaux, ed.], Les archives de Picasso. »On est ce que l’on garde!«, [exhibition catalogue] Paris 2003

Ap 1991
Guillaume Apollinaire, Œuvres en prose complètes, volume 2, [includes writing on art; see also Düchting 1989], ed. by Pierre Caizergues / Michel Décaudin, Paris 1991

Cocteau 1989
Jean Cocteau, Lettres de l’Oiseleur, Monaco 1989

Cocteau/Marais 1991
Jean Cocteau, Briefe an Jean Marais, Bergisch Gladbach 1991 [1989]

[Newspapers are referred to – with the exception of the writing on art by Apollinaire – only in notes and appear not as being part of this bibliography]

P/A 1992
Pierre Caizergues / Hélène Seckel (eds.), Picasso/Apollinaire. Correspondence, Paris 1992

[Parmelin, Hélène: letters by Hélène Parmelin are edited or quoted partially or in full in: Bouvard 2018; Dupont 2007; Kroll 2007; Utley 2000; Cohen-Solal 2023]

Ville de Neuchâtel [1957]
[Official report on] Bibliothèques et musées de la ville de Neuchâtel. 1956, Neuchâtel [1957]


1.2 Memoirs, Travel Reports and Diaries:

Abegg 1957
Lily Abegg, Im neuen China, Zurich/Freiburg i.B. 1957

Ai 2021
Ai Weiwei, 1000 Jahre Freud und Leid. Erinnerungen, Munich 2021

Alther/Gilot 2015
Lisa Alther / Françoise Gilot, About Women. Conversations between a Writer and a Painter, New York 2015

Aron 1997
Raymond Aron, Memoirs. Fifty Years of Political Reflection, New York/London 1997

Aubrac 1996
Raymond Aubrac, Où la mémoire s’attarde, Paris 1996

Beauvoir 1976
Simone de Beauvoir, Alles in allem, Reinbek 1976 [1972]

Beauvoir 1979
Simone de Beauvoir, Der Lauf der Dinge, Reinbek 1979 [1963]

Berggruen 2000
Heinz Berggruen, Hauptwege und Nebenwege. Erinnerungen eines Kunstsammlers, Frankfurt a.M. 2000 [1996]

C [vol., page number (date of entry)]
Jean Cocteau, Le Passé défini. Journal (vol. I: 1951-1952; vol II: 1953; vol. III: 1954; vol. IV: 1955; vol. V: 1956-1957; vol. VI: 1958-1959; vol. VII: 1960-1961; vol. VIII: 1962-1963), Paris 1983-2013

Cocteau 1988
Jean Cocteau, Die Schwierigkeit, zu sein, Frankfurt a.M 1988 [1958; French original: Paris 1947]

Cocteau 1991
Jean Cocteau, Meine Reise um die Welt in achtzig Tagen, Leipzig 1991

Daix 1976
Pierre Daix, J’ai cru au matin, Paris 1976

Daix 2001
Pierre Daix, Tout mon temps. Révisions de ma mémoire, Paris 2001

Daix 2008
Pierre Daix, Dénis de mémoire, Paris 2008

Daix 2010
Pierre Daix, Avec Elsa Triolet. 1945-1971, Paris 2010

Desanti 1975
Dominique Desanti, Les Staliniens, Paris 1975

Eh [volume, page number]
Ilja Ehrenburg, Menschen – Jahre – Leben. Memoiren, four volumes, Berlin (East) 1978-1990

Ferrell (ed.) 1980
Robert H. Ferrell (ed.), Off the Record. The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman, New York etc. 1980

Frisch 1979
Max Frisch, Tagebuch 1966-1971, Frankfurt am Main 1979 [1972]

Gilot/Lake 1967
Françoise Gilot / Carlton Lake, Leben mit Picasso, Frankfurt a.M./Hamburg 1967 [1965]

Giordano 2007
Ralph Giordano, Erinnerungen eines Davongekommenen. Die Autobiographie, Cologne 2007

Hobsbawm 2002
Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times. A Twentieth-Century Life, New York 2002

Hofer 1998
»Völker, hört die Signale…« Erinnerungen eines Basler Kommunisten, Basel 1998

Jerofejew 1997
Viktor Jerofejew [Viktor Yerofeyev], Der gute Stalin, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18.10.1997, No. 242, p. B1

Jewtuschenko 2002
Jewgeni Jewtuschenko, Der Wolfspass. Abenteuer eines Dichterlebens, Munich 2002 [1998]

Khrushchev 2006
Sergei Khrushchev (ed.), Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, volume 2 (Reformer [1945-1964]), Pennsylvania 2006

Khrushchev 2007
Sergei Khrushchev (ed.), Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, volume 3 (Statesman [1953-1964]), Pennsylvania 2007

Lang (ed.) 1987
Lothar Lang (ed.), Das Genie lässt bitten. Erinnerungen an Picasso, Leipzig 1987

Leduc 1985
Victor Leduc, Les tribulations d’un idéologue, Paris 1985

Leiris 1991a
Michel Leiris, Die Spielregel, vol. 3 (Fibrillen), Munich 1991 [1966]

Leiris 1991b
Michel Leiris, Journal de Chine, Paris 1991

Leiris 1992
Michel Leiris, Journal 1922-1989, Paris 1992

Lessing 1998
Doris Lessing, Walking in the Shade. Volume Two of my Autobiography, 1949-1962, London 1998 [1997]

Li 1994
Li Zhisui, The Private Life of Chairman Mao. The Memoirs of Mao’s Personal Physician, New York 1994

Li 1999
Li Ai Vee, Bambus im Wind. Mein dreifacher Weg als Malerin, Stäfa 1999

Lord 1998
James Lord, Picasso und Dora Maar, Frankfurt a.M 1998

Miller 1987
Arthur Miller, Zeitkurven. Ein Leben, Frankfurt a.M. 1987

Neruda 1978
Pablo Neruda, Ich bekenne ich habe gelebt, Zurich 1978

Olivier 1957
Fernande Olivier, Neun Jahre mit Picasso. Erinnerungen aus den Jahren 1905 bis 1913, Zurich 1957

Orlowa/Kopelew 1990
Raissa Orlowa / Lew Kopelew, Wir lebten in Moskau, Munich 1990 [1987]

Par 1956
Hélène Parmelin, Les mystères de Moscou, Paris 1956

Par 1962
Hélène Parmelin, Bei Picasso, Berlin 1962 [1959]

Par 1969
Hélène Parmelin, Picasso. Der Maler und sein Modell. Intimes aus einem Atelier, Hanau 1969

Par 1979
Hélène Parmelin, Libérez les communistes, Paris 1979

Par 1980
Hélène Parmelin, Voyage en Picasso, Paris 1980

Par 1983
Hélène Parmelin, La désinvolture. Auto-pamphlet, Paris 1983

P/C [›Penrose/Cowling‹]
Elizabeth Cowling, Visiting Picasso. The Notebooks and Letters of Roland Penrose, London 2006

Picasso 1986
Claude Picasso, Zur Einleitung [short memoir], in: Glimcher (ed.) 1986, pp. 4-5

Picasso 2001
Marina Picasso, Und trotzdem eine Picasso. Leben im Schatten meines Grossvaters, Munich 2001

Richardson 1999
John Richardson, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Picasso, Provence, and Douglas Cooper, Chicago 1999

Richardson 2016
[John Richardson], Sir John Richardson im Gespräch mit Cornelius Tittel, in: Blau. Ein Kunstmagazin, No. 8, February 2016, pp. 50-54

Roy 1980
Claude Roy, Nous, Paris 1980

Sabartés 1956
Jaime Sabartés, Picasso. Gespräche und Erinnerungen, Zurich 1956

Signoret 1979
Simone Signoret, Ungeteilte Erinnerungen, Munich 1979 [1976]

Spies 2012
Werner Spies, Mein Glück. Erinnerungen, Munich 2012

Tab 2002
Georges Tabaraud, Mes années Picasso, Paris 2002

Th [page number (date of entry)]
Maurice Thorez, Journal 1952-1964, Paris 2020

Yanaihara 2018
Isaku Yanaihara, Mit Alberto Giacometti. Ein Tagebuch, Bern/Wien 2018 [1969]


1.3 Photographer’s Testimonies:

[Baldwin 2019]
Fred Baldwin, Dear Mr. Picasso. An illustrated love affair with freedom, Amsterdam 2019 [not available to me; see Fred Baldwin Talk below]

Blum 1994
Kurt Blum, Au milieu des artistes, Neuchâtel 1994

Duncan 1958
David Douglas Duncan, The Private World of Pablo Picasso, New York 1958

Duncan 1968
David Douglas Duncan, Great Treasures of the Kremlin, New York 1968

Duncan 1974
David Douglas Duncan, Adieu Picasso, Vienna etc. 1974

Duncan 1981
David Douglas Duncan, Viva Picasso. Zu seinem 100. Geburtstag, Vienna etc. 1981

Duncan 2006
David Douglas Duncan, Picasso & Lump. A Dachshund’s Odyssey, Salenstein 2006

Quinn 1977
Edward Quinn, Picasso. Fotos von 1951-1972, Cologne 1977

Quinn/Penrose 1965
Edward Quinn, Picasso – Werke und Tage, Zurich 1965 [text and introduction by Roland Penrose]

Morath/Miller 1969
Arthur Miller, Inge Morath, In Russland, Luzern/Frankfurt a.M. 1969

Münster 2011/2012
Markus Müller (ed.), Picasso bei der Arbeit. Durch die Linse von David Douglas Duncan, exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster, Cologne 2011


1.4 ›Picasso Speaking‹ – ›Matisse Speaking‹ etc. (including poetic works by Picasso):

Denken 1982
Daniel Keel (ed.), Denken mit Picasso, Zurich 1982

Matisse 1982
Henri Matisse, Über Kunst, ed. by Jack D. Flam, Zurich 1982

Par 1967
Hélène Parmelin, Picasso sagt…, Munich 1967 [1966]

Picasso 1954
Pablo Picasso, Wort und Bekenntnis. Die gesammelten Zeugnisse und Dichtungen, Zurich 1954

Propos 1998
Marie-Laure Bernadac / Androula Michael (eds.), Picasso. Propos sur l’art, Paris 1998

Schriften [page number]
[Pablo Picasso], Picasso. Die poetischen Schriften 1935-1959, Munich 1989


1.5 Additional Visual Resources

Schweizer Filmwochenschau, Nr. 725 (8 June 1956) [https://memobase.ch/de/object/bar-001-SFW_0725-3?t=SFW_CJS_CGS-SFW_0725-3 ]


2. Secondary Literature:

2.1 Tools and Aids:

D [page number]
Pierre Daix, Le nouveau dictionnaire Picasso, Paris 2012

F [page number; numbers 1-770 referring to volume one, numbers 775-1419 referring to volume two]
Johannes M. Fox, Picassos Welt. Ein Lexikon, 2 volumes, Halle 2008

Enrique Mallen (ed.), Online Picasso Project, Sam Houston State University 1997ff. [https://picasso.shsu.edu ]


D-Apollinaire [volume, page number]
Daniel Delbrail (dir.), Dictionnaire Apollinaire, two volumes, Paris 2019

D-Aragon [volume, page number]
Nathalie Piégay / Josette Pintueles (dir.), avec la collaboration de Fernand Salzmann, Dictionnaire Aragon, two volumes, Paris 2019

D-Malraux [page number]
Charles-Louis Foulon et al. (eds.), Dictionnaire Malraux, Paris 2011

Grammont (ed.) 2018
Claudine Grammont (ed.), Tout Matisse, Paris 2018

Kritzman (ed.) 2006
Lawrence D. Kritzman (ed.), The Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought, New York 2006

Sullivan 2006
Michael Sullivan, Modern Chinese Artists. A Biographical Dictionary, Berkeley 2006


2.2 Biographies:

2.2.1 Picasso Biographies:

Caws 2011 Mary Ann Caws, Pablo Picasso. Ein Porträt. »Malerei ist nie Prosa«, Berne 2011

Daix 2007
Pierre Daix, Pablo Picasso, Paris 2007

O’Brian 1982
Patrick O’Brian, Pablo Picasso. Eine Biographie, Frankfurt a.M. etc. 1982

Penrose 1981
Roland Penrose, Pablo Picasso. Sein Leben – sein Werk, Munich 1981

Ri 1991
John Richardson (with the collaboration of Marilyn McCully), Picasso. Leben und Werk 1. 1881-1906, Munich 1991

Ri 1996
John Richardson (with the collaboration of Marilyn McCully), A Life of Picasso, vol. 2 (1907-1917), New York 1996

Ri 2007
John Richardson (with the collaboration of Marilyn McCully), A Life of Picasso, vol. 3 (The Triumphant Years 1917-1932), New York 2007

Ri 2021
John Richardson (with the collaboration of Ross Finocchio and Delphine Huisinga), A Life of Picasso, vol. 4 (The Minotaur Years 1933-1943), New York 2021

Stassinopoulos Huffington 1988
Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, Picasso. Genie und Gewalt. Ein Leben, Munich 1988

Wiegand 1992
Wilfried Wiegand, Pablo Picasso, Reinbek 1992 [1973]


2.2.2 Other Biographies:

Armel 1997
Aliette Armel, Michel Leiris, Paris 1997

Arnaud 2016
Claude Arnaud, Jean Cocteau. A Life, New Haven/London 2016

Assouline 1994
Pierre Assouline, Trois hommes d’influence [includes the biography of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler], Paris 1994

Bühlmann 2009
Karl Bühlmann, Zeitzeuge Hans Erni. Dokumente einer Biografie von 1909 bis 2009, Zurich 2009

Bulaitis 2018
John Bulaitis, Maurice Thorez. A Biography, London etc. 2018

Calle-Gruber 2011
Mireille Calle-Gruber, Claude Simon. Une vie à écrire, Paris 2011

Chlewnjuk 2015
Oleg Chlewnjuk, Stalin. Eine Biographie, Munich 2015

Courrière 1991
Yves Courrière, Roger Vailland ou Un libertin au regard froid, Paris, 1991

Dupont 2007
Pepita Dupont, La vérité sur Jacqueline et Pablo Picasso, Paris 2007

Ferrell 1994
Robert H. Ferrell, Harry S. Truman. A Life, Columbia/London 1994

Flower 1995
John E. Flower, Pierre Courtade. The Making of a Party Scribe, Oxford/Herndon 1995

Fonkoua 2010
Romuald Fonkoua, Aimé Césaire (1913-2008), Paris 2010

Gopnik 2020
Blake Gopnik, Warhol, New York 2020

Hamon/Rotman 1991
Hervé Hamon / Patrick Rotman, Yves Montand. Du siehst, ich habe nicht vergessen, Berlin 1991

Ignatieff 1998
Michael Ignatieff, Isaiah Berlin. A Life, New York 1998

Jackson 2018
Julian Jackson, A Certain Idea of France. The Life of Charles de Gaulle, London 2018

Juquin 2012/13
Pierre Juquin, Aragon. Un destin français, two volumes (1897-1939; 1939-1982)), Paris 2012/13

Kezich 2007
Tullio Kezich, Federico Fellini. His Life and Work, New York 2007 [2002]

Marcou 1996
Lilly Marcou, Wir grössten Akrobaten der Welt. Ilja Ehrenburg – eine Biographie, Berlin 1996

Münster 2004
Arno Münster, Ernst Bloch. Eine politische Biographie, Berlin/Vienna 2004 [2001]

Pantsov 2015
Alexander V. Pantsov (with Stephen I. Levine), Deng Xiaoping. A Revolutionary Life, New York 2015

Pinault 2000
Michel Pinault, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Paris 2000

Polizzotti 1996
Mark Polizzotti, Revolutionen des Geistes. Das Leben André Bretons, Munich/Vienna 1996

Qian 2017
Qian Suoqiao, Lin Yutang and China’s Search for Modern Rebirth, Singapore 2017

Robinson 1989
David Robinson, Chaplin. Sein Leben. Seine Kunst, Zurich 1989

Rubenstein 1996
Joshua Rubenstein, Tangled Loyalties. The Life and Times of Ilya Ehrenburg, New York 1996

Service 2004
Robert Service, Stalin. A Biography, Oxford 2004

Sperling 2018
Joshua Sperling, A Writer of Our Time. The Life and Work of John Berger, London/New York 2018

Taubman 2005
William Taubman, Khrushchev. The Man and his Era, London 2005 [2003]

Vanoyeke 1995
Violaine Vanoyeke, Paul Éluard. Le poète de la liberté. Biographie, Paris 1995

Williams 2008
James S. Williams, Jean Cocteau, London 2008

Wilson 2011
Elizabeth Wilson, Shostakovich. A Life Remembered, London 2011

Zheng 2010
Zheng Da, Chiang Yee, The Silent Traveller from the East. A Cultural Biography, Brunswick, NJ / London 2010


2.3 Oeuvre Catalogues:

OPP [with code as used in the OPP]
Enrique Mallen (ed.), Online Picasso Project, Sam Houston State University 1997ff. [https://picasso.shsu.edu ]

Zervos [volume, page; number] Christian Zervos, Catalogue général illustré de l’œuvre de Picasso, Paris 1932-1970, 1973-1978


2.4. Exhibition Catalogues (Picasso exhibitions):

Basel/Bonn 1995/96
Katharina Schmidt (ed.), Pablo Picasso. Die illustrierten Bücher. Eine Privatsammlung – ergänzt durch Werke aus dem Kupferstichkabinett Basel, exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Basel / Kunstmuseum Bonn, Ostfildern-Ruit 1995

Bern 2001/02
Marc Fehlmann / Toni Stoos (eds.), Picasso und die Schweiz, exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern 2001

Hamburg 2016
Ortrud Westheider / Michael Philipp (eds.), Picasso. Fenster zur Welt, exh. cat. Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Munich 2016

Liverpool etc. 2010/11
Lynda Morris / Christoph Grundenberg (eds.), Picasso. Peace and Freedom, exh. cat. Tate Liverpool etc., London 2010

London 2010
Gagosian Gallery (ed.), Picasso. The Mediterranean Years 1945-1962, exh. cat. Gagosian Gallery, London (curator: John Richardson), London 2010

London/Paris 1988
The Tate Gallery (ed.), Late Picasso. Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings, Prints, 1953-1972, exh. cat. Tate Gallery, London / Musée national d'Art moderne, Paris, London 1988

Munich etc. 1981/82
Werner Spies (ed.), Pablo Picasso. Eine Ausstellung zum hundersten Geburtstag. Werke aus der Sammlung Marina Picasso, exh. cat. Haus der Kunst München etc., Munich 1981

Münster 2005
Markus Müller (ed.), Pablo Picasso und Jacqueline. Vorletzte Gedanken, exh. cat. Graphik Museum Pablo Picasso Münster, Bielefeld 2005

Paris 2019
Musée de l’Armée (ed.), Picasso et la guerre, exh. cat. Musée de l’Armée / Musée national Picasso-Paris, Paris 2019

Riehen/Basel 2005
Fondation Beyeler (ed.; in cooperation with Anne Baldassari), Picasso surreal, exh. cat. Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Paris 2005

St. Gallen etc. 2005/06
Katja Herlach, Für den Tag gedruckt. Picassos Gebrauchsgraphik. Sammlung Margadant, exh. cat. St. Gallen etc., Zurich/Frankfurt a.M. 2005


2.5 Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Publications:

2.5.1 On Picasso (selected literature):

Baer 1988
Brigitte Baer, Seven Years of Printmaking: The Theatre and its Limits, in: London/Paris 1988, pp. 95-135

Berger 1974
John Berger, Glanz und Elend des Malers Pablo Picasso, Reinbek 1974 [1965]

Blier 2019
Suzanne Preston Blier, Picasso’s Demoiselles. The Untold Origins of a Modern Masterpiece, Durham 2019

Boeck 1955
Wilhelm Boeck, Pablo Picasso, Stuttgart 1955

Bois 1998
Yve-Alain Bois, Matisse and Picasso, Paris 1998

Bouvard 2018
Émilie Bouvard, »Voici la gazette!«, Hélène Parmelin, œil de Paris, œil de Moscou pour Pablo Picasso, [lecture Málaga 2018] [www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdD1LmSFgRc ]

Cohen-Solal 2023
Annie Cohen-Solal, Picasso the Foreigner. An Artist in France, 1900-1973, New York 2023 [2021]

Daix 2006
Pierre Daix, Les après-guerres de Picasso (1945-1955) et sa rupture avec Aragon, Neuchâtel 2006

Ehrenburg 1962
Ilya Ehrenburg, Chekhov, Stendhal and other essays, London 1962 [with essay on Picasso]

Farner 1956
Konrad Farner, Picassos Taube, in: Sinn und Form 8 (1956), pp. 255-275

Fitzgerald 2015
Michael Fitzgerald, Post-Picasso, Colloque Revoir Picasso, Paris, 27 March 2015 [PDF]

Gasman 1981
Lydia Gasman, Mystery, Magic and Love in Picasso, 1925-1938. Picasso and the Surrealist Poets, [PhD dissertation] New York 1981 [PDF]

Gasman 2007
Lydia Csató Gasman, War and the Cosmos in Picasso’s Texts, 1936-1940, New York etc. 2007

Gilburd 2006
Eleonory Gilburd, Picasso in Thaw Culture, in: Cahiers du Monde russe 47 (January-June 2006), pp. 65-108

Gilburd 2018
Eleonory Gilburd, To See Paris and Die. The Soviet Lives of Western Culture, Cambridge, Mass. / London 2018

Glimcher (ed.) 1986
Arnold Glimcher (ed.), Je suis le cahier. Die Skizzenbücher Pablo Picassos, Reinbek 1986

Gropp 2023
Rose-Maria Gropp, »Göttinnen und Fussabstreifer«. Die Frauen und Picasso, Munich 2023

Holloway 2006
Memory Holloway, Making Time. Picasso’s Suite 347, New York etc. 2006

Perl 2014
Jed Perl, Paris Without End. On French Art Since World War I, New York 2014

Reid 2015
Susan E. Reid, Picasso, the Thaw and the »New Realism« in Soviet Art, Colloque Revoir Picasso, Paris, 26 March 2015 [PDF]

Richardson 1988
John Richardson, L’Époque Jacqueline, in: London/Paris 1988, pp. 17-48

Richardson 2010
John Richardson, Picasso: The Mediterranean Years, in: London 2010, pp. 11-45

Roy 1997
Claude Roy, Picasso. La Guerre et La Paix, Paris 1997

Theil 2007
Harald Theil, Bild und Gefäss. Studien zu den Gefässkeramiken Pablo Picassos, [PhD dissertation] Heidelberg 2007 [PDF]

Utley 2000
Gertje R. Utley, Picasso. The Communist Years, New Haven/London 2000

Van der Meyden 1986
Hans van der Meyden, Early Picassos in the Collection of Mr. Chen Qinghua in Suzhou, in: Apollo (New Series) No. 298 (December 1986), pp. 555-557 [Letter from China]

Warncke/Walther 2002
Carsten-Peter Warncke (main author) / Ingo F. Walther (ed.), Pablo Picasso 1881-1973, Cologne etc. 2002

Widmaier Picasso 2003
Olivier Widmaier Picasso, Picasso. Porträt der Familie, Munich etc. 2003



2.5.2 On Chinese Art, Artists and Culture (selected literature, including exhibition catalogues):

Andrews 1994
Julia F. Andrews, Painters and Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979, Berkeley etc. 1994

Andrews/Shen 2010
Julia F. Andrews / Kuiyi Shen, The Art of Modern China, Berkeley etc. 2010

Chiang 1956
Chiang Yee, The Silent Traveller in Paris, London 1956

Clunas 1989
Craig Clunas, Chinese Art and Chinese Artists in France (1924-1925), in: Arts asiatiques 44 (1989), pp. 100-106

Clunas 2017/18
Craig Clunas, Chinese Art 1911-1976: A Connected History [lecture series; Gresham College, London; 1: New Nation, New Art, 1911-1932; 2: Art, War, and Salvation, 1933-1949; 3: Art, Power and Revolutions, 1950-1976] [www.youtube.com/watch?v=99HG4wRUDfU ; www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f5nt3tQuxM ; www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7bRYcfSyAK ]

Cologne 1964
[Galerie] Editha Leppich (ed.), Chang Dai-Chien [Zhang Daqian]. Ausstellung Chinesische Tuschmalerei 5. Mai bis 3. Juni 1964, exh. cat. [Galerie] Editha Leppich, Cologne 1964

Elisseeff 1958
Vadime Elisseeff, Une peinture retrouvée, in: Arts Asiatiques 5 (1958), pp. 221-227

Fokkema 1965
Douwe Wessel Fokkema, Literary Doctrine in China and Soviet Influence 1956-1960, London etc. 1965

Funke 1914
Max R. Funke, Chinesische Kunsttradition, in: Monatshefte für Kunstwissenschaft 7 (1914), pp. 176-184

Goldman 1967
Merle Goldman, Literary Dissent in Communist China, Cambridge, Mass. 1967

Jiang-Blumenhagen 2017
Rui Jiang-Blumenhagen, Zhang Daqian Meets Pablo Picasso: New Insight into the Circumstances of a Legendary Meeting, in: Pejčochová / von Spee 2017, pp. 95-107

Kan 2017
Bibiana K.I. Kan, Li Jiye’s Translation of Jane Eyre as a Leftist Endeavour, in: TranslatoLogica: a Journal of Translation, Language and Literature 1 (2017), pp. 116-134

Kubin 2005
Wolfgang Kubin, Die chinesische Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert, Munich 2005 [Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur, volume 7]

Law 2000
Law Suk Mun Sophia, In Pursuit of Classical Professionalism: a Consistent Feature of Zhang Daqian and his Art, [master thesis] Hong Kong 2000 [PDF]

Lefebvre 2017
Éric Lefebvre, Collecting as an Ambassade: Guo Youshou and the Introduction of Modern Chinese Painting to Post-War France, in: Pejčochová / von Spee 2017, pp. 81-94

Lösel 1980
Jörg Lösel, Die politische Funktion des Spielfilms in der Volksrepublik China zwischen 1949 und 1965, Munich 1980 [PhD dissertation]

Lü 2010
Lü Peng, A History of Art in 20th-century China, Milan 2010 [2009]

New York 2001
Wen C. Fong, Between Two Cultures. Late-Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Chinese Paintings from the Robert H. Ellsworth Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York 2001

New York 2007/08
Liu Shi-yee (ed. by Maxwell K. Hearn), Straddling East and West. Lin Yutang, a Modern Literatus. The Lin Yutang Family Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York 2007

New York/Bilbao 1998
Julia F. Andrews / Kuiyi Shen (eds.), A Century in Crisis. Modernity and Tradition in the Art of Twentieth-Century China, exh. cat. Guggenheim Museum SoHo / Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, New York 1998

Pejčochová / von Spee 2017
Michaela Pejčochová / Clarissa von Spee (eds.), Modern Chinese Painting & Europe. New Perceptions, Artists Encounters, and the Formation of Collections, Berlin 2017

Powers / Tsiang (eds.) 2016
Martin J. Powers / Katherine R. Tsiang (eds.), A Companion to Chinese Art, Chichester 2016

Seed 2019
John Seed, Driftwood on a Heaving Sea: Zhang Daqian in the Modern West, in: Arts of Asia, July/August 2019, pp. 84-95

Sullivan 1973
Michael Sullivan, The Meeting of Eastern and Western Art. From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day, London 1973

Sullivan 1996
Michael Sullivan, Art and Artists of Twentieth-Century China, Berkeley etc. 1996

Van Briessen 1998
Fritz van Briessen, The Way of the Brush, Painting Techniques of China and Japan, Tokyo etc. 1998

Wang 1996
Wang Peili, Wilhelm von Humboldt und Cai Yuanpei. Eine vergleichende Analyse zweier klassischer Bildungskonzepte in der deutschen Aufklärung und in der ersten chinesischen Republik, Münster/New York 1996

Wang 2010
Wang Wen, La amistad entre Picasso y dos grandes pintores chinos, in: Instituto Confucio 3 (November 2010), pp. 31-38 [PDF; in Spanish and Chinese]

Washington D.C./St. Louis 1991/92
Shen C. Y. Fu, Challenging the Past. The Paintings of Chang Dai-chien, exh. cat. Arthur M. Sackler Gallery / Asia Society / St. Louis Art Museum, Washington, D.C. 1991 [with major contributions and translated by Jan Stuart]

Yang et al. 1997
Yang Xin et al., Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, New Haven/London 1997



2.5.3 On Various Topics:

Aksjutin 1995
Jurij Aksjutin, Der XX. Parteitag der KPdSU, in: Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung 3 (1995), pp. 36-68

Beevor / Cooper 1994
Anthony Beevor / Artemis Cooper, Paris After the Liberation, 1944-1949, London 1994

Bown 1991
Matthew Cullerne Bown, Kunst unter Stalin. 1924-1956, Munich 1991

Brendon 2008
Piers Brendon, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997, New York 2008

Brogi 2011
Alessandro Brogi, Confronting America. The Cold War between the United States and the Communists in France and Italy, Chapel Hill 2011

Capisani 2019
Lorenzo M. Capisani, »Cina d’oggi« e Guerra fredda nella politica estera italiana: il Centro studi per lo sviluppo delle relazioni economiche e culturali, in: Italia contemporanea 45 (2019), pp. 40-71

Capisani 2020
Lorenzo M. Capisani, The Role of Cultural Delegations in the Cold War: the Case of China and Italy (1953-1978), in: Mondo contemporaneo 15 (2020), pp. 123-152

Caute 1964
David Caute, Communism and the French Intellectuals 1914-1960, New York 1964

Caute 1988
David Caute, The Fellow-Travellers. Intellectual Friends of Communism, New Haven/London 1988 [1973]

Caute 2017
David Caute, Politics and the Novel During the Cold War, London/New York 2017 [2010]

Chen 2001
Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War, Chapel Hill/London 2001

Coetzee 1996
J. M. Coetzee, Giving Offense. Essays on Censorship, Chicago/London 1996

Dalos 2006
György Dalos, 1956. Der Aufstand in Ungarn, Munich 2006

De Giorgi 2017
Laura De Giorgi, Chinese Brush, Western Canvas: The travels of Italian artists and writers, and the making of China’s international cultural identity in the mid-1950s, in: Modern Asian Studies 51 (2017), pp. 170-193

Dubois 1978
Howard Dubois, Die Schweiz und China, Bern 1978

Düchting 1989
Hajo Düchting, Apollinaire zur Kunst. Texte und Kritiken 1905-1918, Cologne 1989

Duncan 1978
David Douglas Duncan, Zauberwelt der Phantasie. Schöpferkraft in unseren Händen, Hamburg 1978 [includes chapter on Hsueh Shao-tang, pp. 60-83, pp. 109-111]

Elborough 2018
Travis Elborough, Letters to Change the World. From Pankhurst to Orwell, London 2018

Essen/Zurich 2014
Sandra Gianfreda (ed.), Monet, Gauguin, van Gogh… Inspiration Japan, exh. cat. Museum Folkwang, Essen / Kunsthaus Zürich, Göttingen 2014

Evans (ed.) 2008
Mike Evans (ed.), Defining Moments in Art. Over a Century of the Artists, Exhibitions, People, Artworks, and Events that Rocked the World, London 2008

Findeisen et al. (eds.) 2000
Raoul David Findeisen et al. (eds.), Chinesische Reisen in der Schweiz. Aus dem »Garten Europas«, Zurich 2000

Geisthövel/Knoch (eds.) 2005
Alexa Geisthövel / Habbo Knoch (eds.), Orte der Moderne. Erfahrungswelten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt a.M./New York 2005

Grossbölting 2008
Thomas Grossbölting, Entstalinisierungskrisen im Westen. Die kommunistischen Bewegungen Westeuropas und das Jahr 1956, in: Roger Engelmann etc. (eds.), Kommunismus in der Krise. Die Entstalinisierung 1956 und die Folgen, Göttingen 2008, pp. 233-249

Grosser 1989
Alfred Grosser, Frankreich und seine Aussenpolitik. 1944 bis heute, Munich 1989 [1984]

Grossmann 2019
Sonja Grossmann, Falsche Freunde im Kalten Krieg. Sowjetische Freundschaftsgesellschaften in Westeuropa als Instrumente und Akteure der Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin/Boston 2019

Hall 2016
Simon Hall, 1956. Welt im Aufstand, Stuttgart 2016

Hildermeier 2013
Manfred Hildermeier, Geschichte Russlands. Vom Mittelalter zur Oktoberrevolution, Munich 2013

Hockney/Gayford 2016
David Hockney / Martin Gayford, A History of Pictures. From the Cave to the Computer Screen, London 2016

Hughes 2007
Alex Hughes, France/China. Intercultural Imaginings, London 2007

Johnson / Oiva / Salmi 2019
Bruce Johnson / Mila Oiva / Hannu Salmi, Yves Montand in the USSR: Mixed Messages of Post-Stalinist/Western Cultural Encounters, in: Sima Mikkonen etc. (eds.), Entangled East and West. Cultural Diplomacy and Artistic Interaction During the Cold War, Berlin/Boston 2019, pp. 241-261

Judt 1992
Tony Judt, French Intellectuals, 1944-1956, Berkeley etc. 1992

Judt 2005
Tony Judt, Postwar. A History of Europe Since 1945, New York 2005

Judt 2012
Tony Judt (with Timothy Snyder), Thinking the Twentieth Century, New York 2012

Jungen 2008
Christian Jungen, Hollywood in Canne$. Die Geschichte einer Hassliebe, 1939-2008, Marburg 2008

Kecskés 2005
Gusztáv Kecskés, La diplomatie française et la révolution hongroise de 1956, [PhD dissertation, Paris] Budapest etc. 2005 [PDF]

Kemp-Welch 2008
A. Kemp-Welch, Poland under Communism. A Cold War History, Cambridge etc. 2008

Klotz 2009
Katharina Klotz, Die Friedenstaube. Ikone der Friedensbewegung und Symbol der Hoffnung, in: Gerhard Paul, Das Jahrhundert der Bilder, vol. 1, Göttingen 2009, pp. 776-783

Knodel / Reubi 2022
Bernard Knodel / Serge Reubi, Jean Gabus, Kaboul et la »croisade des musées«, in: Gradhiva. Revue d’anthropologie et d’histoire des arts 34 (2022), pp. 56-73

Kroll 2007
Thomas Kroll, Kommunistische Intellektuelle in Westeuropa. Frankreich, Österreich, Italien und Grossbritannien im Vergleich (1945-1956), Cologne 2007

Kuby 2019
Emma Kuby, Political Survivors. The Resistance, the Cold War, and the Fight against Concentration Camps after 1945, Ithaca/London 2019

Kuschel 1999
Karl-Josef Kuschel, Jesus im Spiegel der Weltliteratur. Eine Jahrhundertbilanz in Texten und Einführungen, Düsseldorf 1999 [chapter on Ilja Ehrenburg, pp. 478ff.]

Leonhard 1962
Wolfgang Leonhard, Kreml ohne Stalin, Frankfurt a.M. etc. 1962 [1959]

Leprohon 1985
Pierre Leprohon, L’Univers des peintres (1830-1930), Paris 1985

Lille 1997/98
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille (ed.), Édouard Pignon, rétrospective, exh. cat. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, Lille 1997

Marie 2015
Jean-Jacques Marie, Le rapport Khrouchtchev, Paris 2015

Mesch 2013
Claudia Mesch, Art and Politics. A Small History of Art for Social Change Since 1945, London/New York 2013

Mink et al. (eds.) 2010
Georges Mink et al. (eds.), 1956, une date européenne, Lausanne 2010

Monnier 2021
Xavier Monnier, Cannes Confidentiel, Paris 2021

Müller 1994
Klaus-Detlef Müller, Brecht und Stalin, in: Jürgen Wertheimer (ed.), Von Poesie und Politik. Zur Geschichte einer dubiosen Beziehung, Tübingen 1994, pp. 106-122

Munich 2016
Okwui Enwezor et al. (eds.), Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic 1945-1965, exh. cat. Haus der Kunst München, Munich 2016

Naumov 1997
Vladimir Naumov, Zur Geschichte der Geheimrede N. S. Chruščevs auf dem XX. Parteitag der KPdSU, in: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte 1 (1997), pp. 137-177

Neutatz 2013
Dietmar Neutatz, Träume und Alpträume. Eine Geschichte Russlands im 20. Jahrhundert, Munich 2013

Oberkofler 2015
Gerhard Oberkofler, Konrad Farner. Vom Denken und Handeln des Schweizer Marxisten, Innsbruck etc. 2015

Oiva / Salmi / Johnson 2021
Mila Oiva / Hannu Salmi / Bruce Johnson, Yves Montand in the USSR. Cultural Diplomacy and Mixed Messages, Cham 2021

Parmelin 1987
Hélène Parmelin, Édouard Pignon. Touches en zigzag pour un portrait, Paris 1987

Peterson 2003
Susan Peterson (with Jan Peterson), The Craft and Art of Clay. A Complete Potter’s Handbook, London 2003

Picon s.a. [c. 1960]
Gaëtan Picon, Panorama der modernen Literatur. Frankreich, Gütersloh s.a. [c. 1960]

Pierpaoli Jr. 2008
Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr., [Article] World Peace Council, in: Spencer C. Tucker (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Cold War. A Student Encyclopedia, Santa Barbara etc. 2008, pp. 2263-2264

Ravis (ed.) 1992
Suzanne Ravis (ed.), Aragon 1956, actes du colloque d’Aix-en-Provence 5-8 septembre 1991, Aix-en-Provence 1992

Robin 2013
Thierry Robin, Le Coq face au Dragon. Deux décennies de relations économiques franco-chinoises de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au milieu des années 1960, Geneva 2013

Sartre 1968
Jean-Paul Sartre, The Ghost of Stalin, New York 1968 [1957; 1965]

Schaufelbuehl et al. (eds.) 2019
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl et al. (eds.), Europe and China in the Cold War. Exchanges Beyond the Bloc Logic and the Sino-Soviet Split, Leiden/Boston 2019

Smith 2017
Kathleen E. Smith, Moscow 1956. The Silenced Spring, London 2017

Sobanet 2018
Andrew Sobanet, Generation Stalin. French Writers, the Fatherland, and the Cult of Personality, Bloomington 2018

Spence 2001
Jonathan D. Spence, Chinas Weg in die Moderne, Munich 2001 [1990]

Tompkins 2008
David G. Tompkins, [Article] World Congress of Intellectuals (for Peace), in: Ruud van Dijk et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Cold War, New York/London 2008, pp. 962-963

Winkler 2014
Heinrich August Winkler, Geschichte des Westens, volume 3 (Vom Kalten Krieg zum Mauerfall), Munich 2014

Wright 2010
Patrick Wright, Passport to Peking. A Very British Mission to Mao’s China, Oxford/New York 2010



2.6 Varia (novels etc.):

Aragon/Cocteau 1981
Louis Aragon / Jean Cocteau, Gespräche über die Dresdener Galerie, Stuttgart 1981 [1957]

Cocteau 1989
Jean Cocteau, Kino und Poesie. Notizen, Frankfurt a.M. 1989 [1979]

Leprohon 1956
Pierre Leprohon, Brigitte Bardot a tenté de percer le mystère Picasso, in: Cinémonde No. 1135 (10 May, 1956), pp. 8-9 [celebrity reportage]

Luo 2007
Luo Lingyuan, Die chinesische Delegation, Munich 2007

Malraux 1975
André Malraux, Das Haupt aus Obsidian. Über Picasso und die Macht der Kunst, Frankfurt a.M. 1975 [1974]

Parmelin 1955
Hélène Parmelin, Le diplodocus, Paris 1955

Simon 1998
Claude Simon, Jardin des Plantes, Cologne 1998 [1997]


3. Films:

3.1 On Picasso (or Picasso related):

Zum 100. Geburtstag
Pablo Picasso zum 100. Geburtstag. Künstler und Kritiker sehen das Werk [Pablo Picasso. Legacy of a Genius], Michael Blackwood (dir.), USA 1981

13 Tage
13 Tage im Leben von Pablo Picasso, Pierre Philippe (dir.), France 1999

Picassos Frisör
Picassos Frisör, Felix Breisach (dir.), France/Austria 2001

Picasso’s Last Stand
Picasso’s Last Stand, Randall Wright (dir.), United Kingdom 2018


3.2 On Various Topics:

Abrechnung mit Stalin
Abrechnung mit Stalin. Das Jahr 1956, Daniel & Jürgen Ast (dir.), Germany 2005

Century Masters
Zhang Daqian, [series] Century Masters, Part 1, Bill Einreinhofer (chief director), China 2020 [www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHRSoKFYI74 ]

Fred Baldwin Talk
Fred Baldwin Talk and Book Signing. Dear Mr. Picasso. An Illustrated Love Affair with Freedom, The Menil Collection, Houston, 2019 [www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTxT_vjHYrQ ]

1956 – Осуждён культ личности. »Современник«. Восстания в Тбилиси, Познани, Будапеште. »Волга«, [popular history documentary on the year 1956 by] Leonid Parfyonov, Russia 2019 [www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXwatot4KrI&list=PLWC_P718eyWNTk3MOUMXOWJPjmNM07tyZ&index=5 ]

»Die Frau, die NEIN sagte«
Pablo Picasso & Françoise Gilot. »Die Frau, die NEIN sagte«, Annie Maïllis (dir.), France 2021




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